
Cr2ProcessingIndex enumeration

Defines ids of Cr2Processing tags.

public enum Cr2ProcessingIndex


Name Value Description
Unknown1 0 Unknown tag.
ToneCurve 1 Indicates the ToneCurve.
Sharpness 2 Indicates the Sharpness.
SharpnessFrequency 3 Indicates the SharpnessFrequency.
SensorRedLevel 4 Indicates the SensorRedLevel.
SensorBlueLevel 5 Indicates the SensorBlueLevel.
WhiteBalanceRed 6 Indicates the WhiteBalanceRed.
WhiteBalanceBlue 7 Indicates the WhiteBalanceBlue.
WhiteBalance 8 Indicates the WhiteBalance.
ColorTemperature 9 Indicates the ColorTemperature.
PictureStyle 10 Indicates the PictureStyle.
DigitalGain 11 Indicates the DigitalGain.
WBShiftAB 12 Indicates the WBShiftAB.
WBShiftGM 13 Indicates the WBShiftGM.

See Also