
Cr2WBInfoIndex enumeration

Defines ids of Cr2WBInfo tags.

public enum Cr2WBInfoIndex


Name Value Description
WB_GRBGLevelsAuto 2 Indicates the WB_GRBGLevelsAuto.
Unknown1 3 Unknown tag.
WB_GRBGLevelsDaylight 10 Indicates the WB_GRBGLevelsDaylight.
Unknown2 11 Unknown tag.
WB_GRBGLevelsCloudy 18 Indicates the WB_GRBGLevelsCloudy.
Unknown3 19 Unknown tag.
WB_GRBGLevelsTungsten 26 Indicates the WB_GRBGLevelsTungsten.
Unknown4 27 Unknown tag.
WB_GRBGLevelsFluorescent 34 Indicates the WB_GRBGLevelsFluorescent.
Unknown5 35 Unknown tag.
WB_GRBGLevelsFluorHigh 42 Indicates the WB_GRBGLevelsFluorHigh.
Unknown6 43 Unknown tag.
WB_GRBGLevelsFlash 50 Indicates the WB_GRBGLevelsFlash.
Unknown7 51 Unknown tag.
WB_GRBGLevelsUnderwater 58 Indicates the WB_GRBGLevelsUnderwater.
Unknown8 59 Unknown tag.
WB_GRBGLevelsCustom1 66 Indicates the WB_GRBGLevelsCustom1.
Unknown9 67 Unknown tag.
WB_GRBGLevelsCustom2 74 Indicates the WB_GRBGLevelsCustom2.

See Also