
RawDictionaryBasePackage.ToList method

Creates a list from the package.

public IReadOnlyList<RawTag> ToList()

Return Value

A list that contains all Raw tags from the package.


This example demonstrates how to read all EXIF tags extracted from a file.

using (Metadata metadata = new Metadata(Constants.JpegWithExif))
    IExif root = metadata.GetRootPackage() as IExif;
    if (root != null && root.ExifPackage != null)
        const string pattern = "{0} = {1}";

        foreach (RawTag tag in root.ExifPackage.ToList())
            Console.WriteLine(pattern, tag.TagID, tag.Value);

        foreach (RawTag tag in root.ExifPackage.ExifIfdPackage.ToList())
            Console.WriteLine(pattern, tag.TagID, tag.Value);

        foreach (RawTag tag in root.ExifPackage.GpsPackage.ToList())
            Console.WriteLine(pattern, tag.TagID, tag.Value);

See Also