
SpreadsheetOptions class

Contains options for rendering spreadsheets. For details, see children of the Render spreadsheet files topic.

public class SpreadsheetOptions


Name Description
BottomMargin { get; set; } Sets the bottom margin of a page when converting to PDF.
CountColumnsPerPage { get; } The columns count to include on each page when splitting the worksheet into pages.
CountRowsPerPage { get; } The rows count to include on each page when splitting the worksheet into pages.
DetectSeparator { get; set; } Detect a separator (for CSV/TSV files).
LeftMargin { get; set; } Sets the left margin of a page when converting to PDF.
RenderGridLines { get; set; } Enables grid lines rendering.
RenderHeadings { get; set; } Enables headings rendering.
RenderHiddenColumns { get; set; } Enables hidden columns rendering.
RenderHiddenRows { get; set; } Enables hidden rows rendering.
RightMargin { get; set; } Sets the right margin of a page when converting to PDF.
SkipEmptyColumns { get; set; } Disables empty columns rendering.
SkipEmptyRows { get; set; } Disables empty rows rendering.
TextOverflowMode { get; set; } Sets the text overflow mode for rendering spreadsheet documents into HTML.
TopMargin { get; set; } Sets the top margin of a page when converting to PDF.


Name Description
static ForOnePagePerSheet() Initializes an instance of the SpreadsheetOptions class for rendering the whole sheet into one page.
static ForRenderingByPageBreaks() Initializes an instance of the SpreadsheetOptions class for splitting to pages by page breaks.
static ForRenderingPrintArea() Initializes an instance of the SpreadsheetOptions class for rendering the print areas only.
static ForRenderingPrintAreaAndPageBreaks() Initializes an instance of the SpreadsheetOptions class for rendering print areas and page breaks.
static ForSplitSheetIntoPages(int) Initializes an instance of the SpreadsheetOptions class for rendering sheet into pages.
static ForSplitSheetIntoPages(int, int) Initializes an instance of the SpreadsheetOptions class for rendering sheet into pages.

See Also