
PdfOptions class

Contains options for rendering to PDF documents. For details, see the documentation.

public class PdfOptions


Name Description
PdfOptions() Initializes new instance of the PdfOptions class.


Name Description
DisableCharsGrouping { get; set; } Disables symbol grouping for precise symbol positioning during page rendering.
DisableFontLicenseVerifications { get; set; } Disables any license restrictions for all fonts in the current XPS/OXPS document.
EnableFontHinting { get; set; } Enables font hinting.
EnableLayeredRendering { get; set; } Enables rendering text and graphics in the original PDF document’s z-order when rendering to HTML.
FixedLayout { get; set; } Enables rendering the PDF and EPUB documents to HTML with a fixed layout.
ImageQuality { get; set; } Sets the output image quality for image resources when rendering to HTML. The default quality is Low.
RenderOriginalPageSize { get; set; } Sets the output page size the same as the source PDF document’s page size.
RenderTextAsImage { get; set; } Enables rendering texts in the PDF files as an image in the HTML output.
WrapImagesInSvg { get; set; } Enables wrapping each image in the output HTML document in SVG tag to improve the output quality.

See Also